AIRE’s “solar benefit web calculator” has been updated

Granted it isn’t only for the potential of saving money that we might want to put solar on our home, business, school or place of worship. After all, greenhouse gas emissions are literally killing us. Money is a necessary construct though, if you’re going to install solar. The sunshine is free but it does cost

Tax Credits for Solar, Storage & Electric Vehicles: An Update and Retrospective

Barring a miracle as Utility Dive reported yesterday, congress will not be extending the tax incentives that segments of the solar industry have utilized since 2005. Rather than go into the specifics since you can read the Utility Dive piece if you wish, the main takeaways are that there’s little to no appetite for clean

Poor Handmaids Solar Performance Update: Early Dividends

We’ve posted previously (here, here and here) on our admiration for the leadership of Poor Handmaid’s Center at Donaldson, up in Indiana as they took action to walk their talk on renewable energy and creation care. Adam Thada, the Director of Ecological Relations just issued the first Provincial report on the financial and ecological returns

Clean Energy Credit Union: At long last, a finance cooperative just for clean energy

One of the obvious challenges in going solar, whether you’re a nonprofit organization or an aspiring green energy citizen, is paying for it. We’ve always said that solar is a finance problem, and it is, although there are conspiring barriers. I recently visited with Rick Tazelaar of the Clean Energy Credit Union at a Pearl

Why we do what we do: The moral action of community solar by and for people

AIRE’s core mission is to help nonprofit organizations and community-minded people develop solar projects at their schools, shelters, food systems, houses of worship, and other important public places. And, not just put solar up for show, mind you; our design principle is to push the benefits of ownership and control to that “community” and not

Solar Power, the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics & What My Economics Degree Left Out

Two economists were just awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics. Of course that isn’t a newsflash, because it happens every year, but the work for which they were recognized is both newsworthy and urgent. The dwindling window of opportunity to decarbonize the global economy and literally save the biosphere, combined with the fact that

The Sun Crosses the Line: Autumn arrives 9:54 PM Sept. 22nd

Nowadays most folks can’t get from point A to point B without their GPS. There’s no sense of geography or direction. Who can intuitively point to north let alone describe the difference between “true north” and “magnetic north?” Add to that the likely fact that many folks can’t name the 50 states or identify them

Building a BIGGER Choir: Poor Handmaids Walk Their Talk

After several months of intensive planning, the Sisters and lay staff of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, walked their talk and made the first of several solar installments on the Center at Donaldson’s 150 acre campus near South Bend, Indiana. They dedicated the first phase of their solar initiative on the 1st day of