
This is wrong! It’s wasteful and unconscionable. Trump Adm. needs to stop wasting our money on dead energy

The smash and grab continues under the cover of coronavirus economic relief. Our illustrious federal government is shooting heroin again. It’s disaster capitalism looting the public kitty in broad daylight and at bewildering speed. A couple headlines picked up in my daily feed from U.S. Energy News should make us very angry:

The Trump administration is withholding nearly $43 billion in low-interest clean energy loans as businesses seek relief from the economic downturn; meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is easing loan restrictions for oil companies. (New York Times, Bloomberg)

Right off the top, The Times opens its piece:

As the government struggles to keep businesses afloat through the pandemic, the Trump administration is sitting on about $43 billion in low-interest loans for clean energy projects, and critics are accusing the Energy Department of partisan opposition to disbursing the funds.

The bookend of this news is the part that’s especially infuriating, as Bloomberg reports:

The Federal Reserve revamped its Main Street Lending Program in ways that will allow battered oil companies to qualify for the aid after industry allies lobbied the Trump administration for changes.

The late, great John Prine put it best, “There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes…..” Cut these blood sucking heroin junkies off NOW and help us build a clean energy economy that works for us all! Jez!!! FOSSIL FUEL SHOULD NOT GET ONE MORE PENNY OF TAXPAYERS MONEY.

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