
Pollinator-Friendly Solar

Our friend and colleague, Adam Thada up in Indiana, passed this report along to us recently dealing with the intersection of two very important things– bees and solar power. Colony collapse and the climate emergency make them important. We’re rightfully proud of his leadership on ecological relationships at the Center at Donaldson that has resulted in lots of impressive solar, but it goes beyond installing solar if we’re truly concerned about ecological matters. He’s planted pollinator-friendly ground covers around their multiple ground mounted solar arrays. This report features “before” and “after” photographs of pollinator-friendly solar the Center has cultivated (see page 5 of the report, “Pollinator-Friendly Solar in Indiana” published by EQ Research), as well as sample local ordinances, state policy updates, and RFP language, among other good information. Creating knowledge and inspiring better things requires working models. Adam and his peers are building ecologically sound working models at significant scale and that’s to be admired, built upon, and replicated.

[NOTE: Click through the tags to see many more posts on this great and inspiring work done by Poor Handmaids for Jesus Christ at their Center at Donaldson and it’s various programs like Ancilla College and Moontree Studios.]

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